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The most important thing we do is talk

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I spend a lot of time thinking about you (that sounds weird, but let me explain). I think a lot about how I can serve you better, make your experience more positive, meet your needs more effectively.

The one thing I consistently come back to as the most important element is time. Mostly, time for talking.

I recently spent 45 minutes talking with a patient at a 15 minute follow-up appointment. Thankfully, I didn't have anyone waiting so our conversation was unhurried, relaxed, and a bit wandering.

We spoke about her concerns and goals for her treatments, of course, but we also spoke about other things.

About her work helping others, and how she could see that appearance matters to people. How people act differently when they feel confident.

We spoke about the many factors contributing to changes we see as we age, not least menopause, and how treating menopause with medication or hormones is possible, but not right for everyone.

We spoke about options for treating symptoms, and how there is no magic bullet that will improve everything all at once, but that each treatment option offers one step forward toward her goals.  

We explored those options, and their risks and benefits. I got a sense for her comfort level and told her about treatments I felt aligned with her goals and current mental state.

At the end of our time together, we had shared a healthy human connection which strengthens our provider-patient relationship and will improve every appointment we have moving forward.

It is my hope that you leave each and every appointment with me feeling heard, validated, and valued. I believe this, more than any wrinkle eraser, is the most important service I provide.

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